Digital Transformation.
Strategic Communication.
Being Unique.​

Oliver Schmidthals

My name is Oliver Schmidthals.
I make brands with character.

My name is Oliver Schmidthals.
I make brands with character.

Oliver Schmidthals

Digital Transformation.
Strategic Communication.
Being Unique.​

Do you want to change your company or position it differently?
I am happy to accompany you – as a team with you and with more than 20 years of experience as a manager and strategist.​


“Seeing the big picture, reaching new goals – that’s what I love about paragliding as well.”​

„Das Ganze sehen, neue Ziele erreichen – das liebe ich auch beim Gleitschirmfliegen.“


Who are you?​

“That depends on who’s asking. I ran the Edenspiekermann design and digital agency for 15 years. Back then, I headed a large team. Today, I’m only my own boss. I started my own business in 2020 because I wanted to roll up my sleeves and “get my hands dirty” again. My name is Oliver Schmidthals.”

What do you do?​

“I shape change and I often use the brand and culture of my clients. Transformation can be slow, and sometimes it’s chaotic. My job is to make sure that neither of these things happen. I put on my thinking cap and act as an accelerator, and I do this with a great deal of passion.”

What do paragliding and your work have in common?​

“I’ve been flying since I was 16. Before you fly, you consult with each other. When you take off, you take a direction and you stick to the plan once you’re in the air. The same applies to projects. You have to make decisions you believe in. But: Decisions are also adapted flexibly when conditions change.”

Why are you doing all this?​

“Understanding problems and developing solutions is what I love to do. I am also very pleased when clients thank me at the end of a project in which we’ve successfully shaped change together. That is always a great source of motivation. In fact, it is just as beautiful as paragliding.”

I have had the pleasure of working with Oliver successfully for many years. I have come to appreciate his strategic thinking coupled with his sensible pragmatism and passion.”

Erik Spiekermann Portrait
Erik Spiekermann
Designer and Typographer

The challenges we can tackle together:

Digital Brand Management
Brand Development
Communication Strategies
Leadership Communication
User Experience
Content Strategy
Change Communication
Verbal Identity

How does collaborating with Team Schmidthals look?

Getting to know each other

What do you and your company want to change? In a first step, we sit down together and I find out where you currently stand. At this point, we also decide on the tools we will use later on to determine whether the desired change is on track or successful.

Developing the strategy and concept

Depending on your specific goals, we bring additional experts on board. As a team, we think, learn, build, and design approaches that fuel your desire for change. At the end of this phase, we have a strategy and a plan with clearly defined content, functions, and a project timeline.

Rolling out change

We generally tackle the rollout together. We guide you every step of the way and take the lessons learned from experience to adapt the strategy wherever necessary. As a team, we monitor progress and consolidate the processes that you need to secure lasting success.

Taking stock of our successes and failures​

Together, we take a close look at the collaboration and reflect on the process: What held us back? What brought us closer to our goal? What would we do differently next time?

What clients say about me​

Erik Spiekermann Portrait
“I have had the pleasure of working with Oliver successfully for many years. I have come to appreciate his strategic thinking coupled with his sensible pragmatism and passion.”

Erik Spiekermann

Designer and Typographer

Kara Preedy Portrait
“I appreciate Oliver’s professional and passionate commitment as much as his vast experience on a broad range of business issues. As a member of the supervisory board at Edenspiekermann, I very much enjoyed working with him.”

Dr. Kara Preedy

Partner/Shareholder at Greenberg Traurig, Berlin

Claus Wechselmann Portrait
“With persistence and a high level of commitment, Mr. Schmidthals led us through a strategy process that successfully realigned PD.”

Claus Wechselmann

Managing Director of PD, Consultant for the Public Sector

Eva Schad Portrait
“Oliver is an excellent consultant who guided us through our change process with empathy, passion, and expertise.”

Eva Schad

Partner at David Chipperfield Architects

Stefan Ottlitz Portrait
“Oliver has been instrumental in helping us clean up our brand and pursue our strategic goals.”

Stefan Ottlitz

Managing Director and Head of Product at SPIEGEL Gruppe

Burkhard Kieker Portrait
“Mr. Schmidthals’ broad expertise and strong commitment to getting things done has been a great help to us. With his support, we’ve quickly brought new ideas to market and developed our communication strategy.”

Burkhard Kieker

Managing Director of visitBerlin, Berlin’s tourism and congress organization

Natalie Erdmann Portrait
“Oliver Schmidthals is an extremely creative and experienced sparring partner. Strategic consulting at its best: careful listening as a basis, excellent consulting with an all-round view of all stakeholders and with the courage to engage in controversial discussions – for the best results together!”

Natalie Erdmann

CMO at deepc,  previously Head of Corporate Communications und Marketing Healthcare

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Schmidthals Consulting GmbH
Hertelstraße 11
12161 Berlin
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